
The Lady and the Unicorn



このタペストリーは大学でテキスタイルをかじった人ならだれでも知ってる超有名な 歴史的芸術作品、まさに至宝という呼び方がふさわしい。10年くらい前になるでしょうか、パリのクリュニー中世美術館の円形型の展示室でこの6枚からなるタペストリー群に囲まれた時、身体がしびれるほど感動したことは今でも鮮明に覚えています。


I am really looking forward to going an exhibition "The Lady and the Unicorn" in the next year. Finally one of the precious historical tapestries are coming to Japan. I was very surprised to see its poster on the way to Tokyo a few days ago. I am really looking forward to going an exhibition "The Lady and the Unicorn" in the next year. Finally one of the precious historical tapestries are coming to Japan. I was very surprised to see its poster on the way to Tokyo a few days ago. And it forced me to take the photo.

I  am sure that almost all people who studied textile at University know the tapestries, because the work is very precious to know history of europian textile. I remember that moment clearly  when I saw this work at Musee De Cluny le monde medieval in Paris. Already 10 years ago, but now they were still so impressing.

Exhibition at National Art Center, Tokyo, July 15 from April 24, 2013.
I can't wait!

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